Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Magic Folder Now 1.6 Torrent Download

Size: 810 mb
Files: 3
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Seeds 136 SeedsLeechers 60 Leechers

Category: System|OS Enhancements
Developer: Elongsoft Software
Size: 810 Mb


What is new: Stability improvements and minor bug fixes.

Magic Folder Now is a very important program because it allows?? Licensure you to hide files and quickly?? Jump to your folders, you can keep your personal data away from others. Others not?? Knows where your personal files exist. It is protected by a secret?? Od?? Technology that you can change or con? Remove at any time time.Magic folder is now obvious?? S prove to be the fastest way to get your data, do not even remember a long way. You can access your folders in Windows Explorer, in standard Open / Save As /?? Measures dialogs or on the desktop or the Start button instantly.All you need to do is de?, Right-click on your Explorer or dialogs and display Favorite folder option. You can add all the folders you need to get? "Into list?? Open and they are available to you instantly.It runs automatically" when the context menu, so you never need to start the program otherwise you want to hide folders.Here are some key features of " , Magic folder now? Any number of folders can be hidden at the same time.? No file system structure modifications are needed.? The secret?? Od?? Io protection when running program.? Quick command to open folders / I?? Store as / Too?? View Dialog.? Quick folders in Windows Explorer and the desktop and start button.? Easy to add a folder to the Favorite Folders list?? Open.? Easy to edit and rearrange folders in the Favorite Folders list?? Open.? It works automatically? When as part of the Windows Explorer context menu etc.Requirements? PC486DX and 8MB RAM and 10 MB of free space HDLimitations? 21-day trial period

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