Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Autorun MAX! [64/32 Bit] Torrent Download

Size: 12 mb
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Category: CD/DVD Tools|AutoRun Builders
Developer: Indigo Rose Software
Size: 12 Mb

Features: Easy to Use Completely Visual Supports All Popular Images Formats JPG, GIF, BMP, TIF and PNG) Fully Customizable Design Environment Publish Direct to CD-R/CD-RW Open Document Files Run Programs Print Documents Show Microsoft PowerPoint Slides Display Adobe Acrobat PDF Documents Play Multimedia Files Open Website Windows Publish to Web/Email Executable (Business Edition only) Send Email Action Multiple Pages Interactive Objects Button Object Label Object Paragraph Object Video Object Written in C++ for Speed and Reliability Includes Project Templates Playback of MPG and AVI Video Economically Priced Alignment Tools Overlap Images Adjustable Object Z-Order Mouse-Over Sound Effects Easy Drag and Drop Development Custom Window Titles Highlight Mouse Cursors Window Masking Image Transparency Change Image Opacity Lock Objects to Page Background Music (OGG, WAV, WMA) Alpha Blending and Transparency Full Help File Startup Splash Image Custom Font Attributes WYSIWYG Design Environment Startup Actions Create Autorun CDs Shutdown Splash Image Integrated Page Management Sample Projects Blend Images Play Video at Startup Top Notch Support Snap To Grid Play Music Button Maker Anti-Aliased Text Use Any TrueType Font Text Alignment Customizable Preferences Shutdown Actions Text Rotation Automatic Spell Checking Tooltips Export to AutoPlay Media Studio Format Undo/Redo Support Make CD Business Cards Copy/Paste Objects Resizable Objects with Aspect Ratio Custom Windows Shapes Easy to Follow User’s Guide Pin Objects to Page Alignment Rulers Fast and Fun to Use!

What is new:

Autorun MAX! is a handy and reliable application eighth? provision for creating professional looking CD-ROM/DVD-ROM autorun / autoplay menus, CD business cards, scrapbooks, photo journals, bro? devices, demonstrations and other interactive multimedia projects. I do not have to be a programmer to do it. With its intuitive workspace and drag-and-drop items, they are quick to learn and easy to use? Instructions. Autorun MAX! does not require knowledge of programming at all! You will be astonished? Teni with sleep? Term functionality and stylish visual appeal that Autorun MAX! raise me? while clicking finger. Autorun MAX! a completely visual drag and drop environment?. Simply add contents of tea, such as photos, videos, music and text to your pages and position them using me? A If you? Wish,? Can even use existing tools for alignment, including network? Rulers in and that will help you keep? Ati things straight. There are even a lot of additional content? Rate, as? These are the origins, photos, panels, buttons, sound effects and more? much more for you to start. Autorun MAX! Projects can be fully interactive using a simple fill-in-the-blanks style system. From opening documents (Autorun MAX! There is a handy and reliable application eighth? Provision for creating professional looking CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Autorun / autoplay menus, CD business cards, scrapbooks, photo journals, bro? Clock, demos and other interactive multimedia projects., competing programs (installers, applications, utilities, etc.), viewing websites and sending e-mail?, and it may not there will be any easier! Whether you? want to distribute your projects via CD- ROM, Internet downloads or email Autorun MAX! so pleasant wind Publishing Wizard. With just a few clicks, you can? can create all the files you need to get the job done quickly and accurately. Autorun MAX! can not directly burn your autorun CDs, without any external CD burning software needed! Autorun MAX! publishing? TVO Wizard is clearly laid out and very easy to use? Using the, even if you have no prior experience in building important? s car CD. Weve even included proposed? point for all the popular autorun CD projects like autoplay menus, virtual business cards, and more? much more!

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