Thursday, December 19, 2013

PSP Movie Creator 2.0 32/64 Bit Torrent Download

Size: 14 mb
Files: 2
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Category: Multimedia|Video|Encoders/Converter/DIVX Related
Developer: PQ-DVD iPod Software
Size: 14 Mb


What is new:

Create your own PSP movies and video in 2 clicks. The software converts DVD movies and various video formats optimized for play on Sony PSP. PSP Movie Creator software converts most comprehensive video formats to PSP, including DVD, DivX / XviD video, avi, wmv, mpg, mpeg, dat (VCD), rm, rmvb, Tivo2Go, dvr-ms, qt, mov (ver 2 ) and more. Faster DVD Subtitle DVD to PSP converter supported3 times, better video quality, advanced video editing features fully loaded. You get everything you need to turn PSP movies and watch them on the go! PSP Movie Creator is also a library management software designed for dummies PSP video. It shows pie chart of memory card usage, free space on your PSP. It automatically names files and put video title. PSP Movie Creator is the only video capture software product preview / recording (what you see is what you get). PSP Movie built-in PSP video explorer window shows you innovative PSP video filenames, titles together. PSP Movie Creator is an ultra-fast PSP video converter and more than a converter. Get in now for a great value. The software supports most comprehensive video formats: DVD, DivX / XviD video, avi, wmv, mpg, mpeg, dat (VCD), rm, rmvb, Tivo2Go, etc. DVD subtitles supported assistance. Converter supports 320x240, 368x208 or 400x192 resolutions for optimized video playback on Sony PSP. (PSP Movie Creator software algorithm automatically selects the resolution intelligent integration) Requirements:? Sony PSP? Memory Stick

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