Saturday, November 30, 2013

TekRadius Torrent Download

Size: 12 mb
Files: 2
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Seeds 123 SeedsLeechers 79 Leechers

Category: Internet|Servers|Other Servers
Developer: KaplanSoft
Size: 12 Mb

Features: Limits number of simultaneous sessions for the users. RADIUS Dictionary can be edited through TRManager GUI. Authentication and Accounting ports are user selectable. You can create SQL database and tables through TRManager GUI. You can map RADIUS Accounting attributes to Accounting table fields. TekRADIUS can be run in Authentication only or Authorization only mode. Generates MS-MPPE Keys for VPN connections. Supports OTP (One Time Password) authentication based RFC 2289. Built-in DHCP server. You can specify an Expire Date and Time Quota for the users and use Authentication method as a RADIUS check item. You can Authenticate users against Windows Domain or Active Directory. Command line utility for adding, deleting and editing users. Disconnects users with Packet of Disconnect (Pod) or user defined kill command. You can specify how much time user account will be valid after the first logon (Time-Limit) and you can specify allowed logon days and hours (Login-Time). Disabling user profile after user configurable number of unsuccessful login attempts. You can specify credit limits for daily, weekly or monthly periods. You can run and check result of an external executable as a check item.

What is new: TekRADIUS SQL Edition can run in 64 bits mode in 64 bits systems. TekRADIUS uses TekRADIUS.db in place of TekRADIUS.mdb.You can convert old TekRADIUS.mdb to TekRADIUS.db using DBConverter.exe which can downloaded from TekRADIUS web site. Client entries are kept in TekRADIUS database not in TekRADIUS.db (Version 4.8.1).

It was developed as a RADIUS server TekRadius accessible and useful. TekRadius comply with RFC 2865 and RFC 2866. Currently it supports Microsoft SQL Server. It runs as a Windows Service and comes with a Win32 management interface. TekRadius allows you to log session details into a log file or Event Log. You can select IP address to listen and Radius Authentication and Accounting port. You can optionally powers the only way you can turn off Accounting if you want. Truth can also define your own SQL SELECT clause.TekRADIUS supports PAP, CHAP, MS-CHAP v1, MS-CHAP v2, EAP-MD5, EAP-MS-v2 CHAP and PEAP (EAP-MS-CHAP v2-PEAPv0) authentication method .

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