Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A-FF Repair Station 4.3 Torrent Download

Size: 810 mb
Files: 3
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Category: System|Hard Disk Utils
Developer: Atola Technology
Size: 810 Mb


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IDE repair stations are fast, reliable and most powerful and most services drive SATA hard to recover since 2003. it is used for firmware area recovery and removal ATA password safety. Most HDD failures are caused by damage to the area of ​​software and can be recovered at station repair. Unlocking or recovery station repairs completed safe to repair stations can data.With : how the ATA password, the security level is supported, and the maximum peak diagnose and recover some of HDD software almost all modern laptops and desktop computers with some HDD can be locked with a password so that ATA hard drive until the inaccessibility Password possible. Manufacturers call this method different technologies, for example, HP DriveLock requires it, but it, too. The password is stored in the hard drive firmware (the surface). Since it is stored on the, can not be removed by replacing the circuit board . And as part of the software can not read using the commercial software, password not can easily read or deleted. Repair stations have access to the area of ​​firmware and hard drive password that unlocked. Process Unlocking process is automatic and takes only a few minutes. Repair stations do not change partition or system documentation, data security is absolutely safe. Area Firmware (or the system) reserves a space dedicated to driving their own needs They, like logging, smart table unusual number of reallocation (overlay) and others. chip Flash EEPROM only a small part of the firmware, and its main function is to rotate spindle and the drive can unpark Read the rest of the software from surface.Firmware, not a command to the ATA can not read or Record any of the software, since the fact that the protocol is VENDORS , unique and hard drive manufacturers do not disclose information about the structure of the hard drive firmware The area is one of them, and even how to access it. More than half of the hard disc drive failure is caused by damage to the area of ​​software . Only pity little stiff enough to drive the whole. In this case, the hard drive data becomes more difficult, and sometimes completely disappear from the system . For example, the hard disc may lose parameters, such as the model number and their capacity. When this happens, no access and file sharing. In case the problem is caused by damage to the area of ​​software and can get fixed in a repair station. Firmware area repair station reads, extracts and analyzes the structure of the software rebuilds the damage and wrote software Norway back into the drive. This process is safe for complete information (And file sharing) and no longer than 20 minutes. If you have problems with your hard drive please download and run the repair station diagnosis (Which is free). Firmware repair stations and diagnose mechanical hard drive and display brief summary of health of the hard drive. Firmware diagnosis and repair stations in mechanical hard drive and display brief summary of health size of the hard drive. For restoration - you need to register

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